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3 Reasons Why It's Smart To Have Your Gas Heating System Serviced In Summer

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Summer has arrived in Australia and all around the country, people are preparing to enjoy, or endure, the hot weather. As winter blankets and woolly jumpers get put away, your gas heating system may be the last thing you're concerned with. Many people don't concern themselves with this when the weather is warm and the cold days of next winter seem a long time away. However, after a long winter of usage, summer is the ideal time to organise your annual service appointment for these three reasons.

1. Availability of contractors

As winter approaches, a huge number of clients will be starting to prepare for the colder months. This means that the demand for gas heating contractors will be high as people make appointments to ensure that their heating system is in good repair.

As a result, you may find it difficult to find a contractor who can service your system at a convenient time. Many people find they need to wait weeks for an appointment, or they can't secure one at all before they need to use their system to heat their home. Having your service appointment completed in summer when contractors are in low demand means you won't face these frustrating delays.

2. Timely delivery of parts

During an annual service appointment, contractors often identify parts that are damaged, broken or reaching the end of their functional lifespan. This means that the relevant parts will need to be ordered from the appropriate manufacturer and later installed by the contractor.

In the lead-up to winter, the high demand for gas heating system parts means that shipment of orders may take longer than average. When coupled with the difficulty in securing contractor appointments, this can mean your heating system will be inoperable for many weeks at a time when you really need it. These issues can be easily avoided by opting for service appointments during the quiet season.

3. Financial planning

Even with regular servicing, gas heating systems will eventually reach a point where they need major repair work or need to be replaced. Whatever the time of year, this is a fairly hefty and inconvenient expense that will put a large dent in your household budget.

Finding out that you're in for a big heating system bill isn't going to be any less appealing during the summer months. However, it does give you many months to plan financially for the extra expense so you can start saving accordingly. This is a far better option than facing a huge and unplanned-for bill that needs to be paid immediately, unless you plan to spend the winter without heating.

Contact an HVAC company in your area to learn more about caring for a ducted gas heating system.
